rolex replica1) Rolex watch repairing steps

Separate the watch case and bracelet apart. Watchmaker will open the case, then remove the movement. At this point, the case has been completely apart. After dismantling the Rolex watch movement, the components is for ultrasonic cleaning in the solution of special formula. Rolex watchmaker carefully check each independent watch movement component to determine the required replacement parts. Watchmaker only choose the original factory replace components provided directly by the Swiss Rolex headquarters. Each functional component of the watch movement are coated with the most advanced lubricant devotedly to reduce friction and prevent loss. This ensures that your Rolex watch movement can sustainably and accurately operate and run. Watchmaker is careful to reassemble the watch case, and replace all packing to ensure that the waterproof function is not affected.

2) Rolex watch warranty certificate

After a complete overhaul, your Rolex watch can acquire available maintenance certificate for two years. Its service scope does not include the damage or wear due to accident or improper use of wrist watch. As it is approved by the Rolex third party inspection, and assembly the non-Rolex original factory production components or accessories, the maintenance certificate will be invalid. All staffs of Rolex watches make arduous efforts for the common goal, and Rolex is continuing to carry forward its tradition to be the representative of the Geneva and high quality watch all over the world.

Replica rolexes need for regular maintenance, and you are suggested sending your Rolex watch to the after-sales (Rolex group co., LTD. In Beijing) for a waterproof testing every year, and just do not go to the maintenance department of general, as they were not authorized, and if they open the watch case, tjem Rolex after-sales will not be on the repair maintenance of your Rolex watch. Also it is suggested that once every three years to after-sales to clean your Rolex watch movement.